Council Update – March 23, 2020

Council and the Administrator are in communication and meet as required regarding the COVID-19 situation.  We recognize that these are stressful times for our residents, staff and the population at large.  Provision of services within the municipality need to be balanced with overall health and safety.

Further to the decision to close the District Administration Office on March 17, other measures determined include:

  • The District Office building has been closed to the public, including the Christopher Lake Library and CPL Recreation office.
  • The Emma Lake transfer station will remain at the District Shop compound (see white circled area below). In order to maintain separation between people accessing the station and District staff, some charges will be waived so that cash is not exchanged. District staff will continue to monitor material being deposited in the station, and may refuse entry if safety is a concern.

  • Physical distancing has been implemented for all staff. The Administration Office will continue to be staffed within usual office hours (Monday – Friday from 9am to 4pm) for phone and email contact only.
  • These measures are in place until at least April 8, with amendments as required.

We continue to hear concerns about people returning to the area from outside Canada that are not self-isolating.  The signs on Highway 263 at the west side of the Village of Christopher Lake will be changed to read “Coming back from out of the Country?  PLEASE STAY HOME FOR 14 DAYS”, including a request to update the electronic sign at the Anderson Community Centre.  Suspected violations can be forwarded to SK Public Health in Prince Albert at 306.765.6600.

There are credible sources for COVID-19 information including the SK Health Authority website and the HealthLine (811).  Please rely on your medical professionals and public health sources rather than community rumours.  Social (this means physical) distancing is cited as one of the keys to decreasing spread of the virus, and increasing safety for all of us.

As our governments and medical professionals work through this crisis, individually we can all help by supporting our neighbours, friends and family and providing required assistance (at a safe distance) and reaching out through phone and electronic methods.

Stay safe and be kind!