The February 8, 2021 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab.  The Council member contact information is under Council Members.

Update on SaskTel Internet Proposal:

At the January meeting, Council reviewed additional internet options and reaffirmed the decision to proceed with the DSL proposal as was approved in November, 2020.  The next steps are to establish Emma and Christopher Lakes as an Additional Service Area and hold a public meeting.  A letter dated February 1, 2021 was sent out during the period from February 3 to February 8, 2021.  The letter advises that the public meeting has been scheduled and outlines the payment options and timelines for the levy and SaskTel work.  This mailing is being sent per property owner by subdivision.  If you own more than one lot in a subdivision, you will receive 1 letter. If you own land in more than one subdivision, you will receive 1 letter for each subdivision.  The letter is available as part of the Agenda on the District website.

Council gave first reading to the Bylaw at its February meeting and following a public meeting (zoom) on February 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.  Registration by contacting the office is required.  The bylaw will be considered for 2nd and 3rd readings at the March 8, 2021 Council meeting.

Public Hearings

A public hearing was held to receive input regarding the Municipal Fees Bylaw No. 1-2021.  There was one ratepayer who addressed the public hearing requesting confirmation of when ratepayer queries would result in a fee being required.  She was advised that the fees apply when queries require staff time and generally apply to historical enquiries.  The Bylaw was given 2nd and 3rd readings following the public hearing.

2021 Assessment Revaluation

Council reviewed and discussed the preliminary valuations for the 2021 reassessment at its December and January meetings.  In general, the District has experienced increases for residential property at about 9%.  This compares to the Provincial trend on residential properties that have decreased about 5% over the same 4-year period.  When the values were previously reviewed with SAMA staff, the Council requested that the one row back category at Anglin Lake (AN109) be further reviewed.  Irwin Blank, CEO of SAMA as well as Seth McNaughton and Brent Friedt attended the meeting by Zoom to provide an update of that further review.  There were changes that were proposed to about 1/4 of the 50 properties with that designation.  Based on these amendments, Council approved the preliminary values to be the 2021 values for assessment purposes and assessment notices will be send out in March, 2021. Notwithstanding this approval, Council will request a further review on another block of properties within the Anglin Lake subdivision.

Reports, Discussion and Actions:

  • Public Works: the contractor was selected to provide power to the transfer station at its new location between the shop and the lagoon.  Purchase of the annual supply of calcium chloride for the year was authorized.  An update of the work at the new lagoon with solar panels being installed was provided.
  • Protective Services: January statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates.
  • Building / Development: January permit report was received.
  • A request to place a storage container at the Murray Point RV was deferred pending notification to neighbors and a public hearing at the March meeting.
  • Administrator’s report included the Action / Motion item report and a verbal update of activities in the office.

Other matters of business:

  • Received communications: SARM; SAMA; AN109 Group; and Census Canada.
  • Received request from Xplornet for support for a grant application, however the request did not provide detail on how much of the District would be affected by the proposed infrastructure. A more detailed proposal will be provided before the March 8 Council meeting.

Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email  They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.