The September 14, 2020 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab.

As this was the First Meeting of the Council, all members of Council declared and signed their official Oath – Member of Office form and subscribed to the Code of Ethics as required per The Municipalities
Act and The Municipalities Regulations.

The District COVID-19 measures will continue with:

  • Limited opening of the office to the public in compliance with provincial guidelines around social distancing and cleaning. Electronic communications and scheduled appointments where possible.
  • Emma Lake transfer station accepting sorted materials at no charge for District Ratepayers (at the discretion of the transfer station attendant); open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9am – 4pm.)
  • Monitoring and adhering to provincial guidelines regarding social distancing, group gathering restrictions, and use of public facilities.

Public Hearing and Delegations:

  • Greg Gowda regarding setback measurements,
  • Barbara Kostyna-Pocha regarding restrictions on use of campers as additional living space
  • Sonja McAdam regarding encroachment on her lot
  • Perry and Rhonda Trusty regarding the McPhail Cove Reserve
  • Tim Ledding, BCL Consulting regarding the Emma Lake Lagoon Project
  • and a public hearing regarding the discretionary use application of Leanne Thompson to establish a private tattoo studio at 971 Hwy #2.

Reports, Discussion and Actions:

  • Public Works: The report included information regarding tree removal, beaches, roads including fall grading, drainage projects at Doran Park, road widening at Front Street, update of progress on the new lagoon, equipment, and occupational health & safety.
  • Protective Services: August statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates, and authorization to fill the vacancy and bring the staffing to the full capacity of 3 Full Time positions.

Administrator’s report included the Action / Motion item report, and approval of a Policy for the Property Maintenance Appeals Board; direction to discontinue researching establishing a public beach as an option for the McPhail Cove Reserve; an update on the fundraising for the Ed Greenop Park Playground and a resolution to name the playground the “Jacobson Family Playground”; and a resolution to deny any requests for an abatement of the SaskTel portion of the amount payable under the McPhee Lake Additional Service Area.

Building / Development: August and September permit reports. Requests for a tattoo/art studio was approved, a consolidation of two lots at Elk Ridge was approved; and a reduced setback was denied.

Council was updated on the SaskTel proposals to provide High Speed internet in Anglin Lake, and Emma / Christopher Lakes under the Community Participation project that were received in August. The proposals included the network map, timeline, available subscription plans, number of households, and cost. Communication was sent to the relevant ratepayers including the capital cost per household to determine the level of support for proceeding with the two projects. SaskTel requires a response by October 31, 2020, in order to proceed with the work in 2021.

Other matters of business:

  • Five letters, including a petition of McPhail Cove ratepayers, were received from ratepayers in McPhail Cove responding to the outstanding direction to Administration to consider options for the municipal reserve at McPhail Cove.
  • Two letters, including a petition of Neis Drive ratepayers, were received from ratepayers expressing concern about the proposed project to widen portions of Neis Drive in order to address safety concerns. Responses from ratepayers regarding Neis Drive road upgrade will be addressed on an individual or site-specific basis.
  • Received communications: SAMA Annual Report, Al Christensen re Bylaws and Terry Gilmour re Campers.

Ratepayer concerns consisted primarily of garbage, trees, drainage, roads, and signage.

Comments or concerns should be submitted through the office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.