Thanks to everyone who came out to the 3rd Annual District Community BBQ.  It was a great afternoon at Neis Park, and thanks to those District Staff and Council who participated in hosting the event.

A presentation was made to Cliff Letendre, who is retiring as the District’s first building inspector.  Cliff began work with the RM/District in 1997 at a time when there were no building-related bylaws.  His first job was to work on drafting bylaws for Council to consider and approve.  Over his 22 years with the District, Cliff has seen many changes not only to those original bylaws, but the building codes that set construction and building standards.  Thanks, Cliff, for a job well-done and a well-deserved retirement.

As noted in previous updates, the meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab on the website.

August Reports, Discussion and Actions:

  • Public Works: removal of dead or dangerous trees is scheduled for the fall, road maintenance and dustproofing, drainage, landfill and lagoon operations.  Note that the Emma Lake transfer station is open 7 days a week for the remainder of the month of August returning to 4 days a week in September.
  • Protective Services: July statistical report including tickets issued, ATVs, bear complaints, and inter-agency activities.
  • Administration:
    • Permission granted to utilize a portion of municipal property for access at 242 Okema Trail, Emma Lake.
  • Playground equipment has been ordered and will be installed at Bell’s Beach and Neis Park by October 1.
  • Dock inspection work has been completed on Emma Lake and will take place on Christopher Lake by August 16.
  • Building / Development:
    • July and August to-date Building / Development permits.
  • The Fence Bylaw was reviewed with three other resort municipalities with respect to the height of rear yard (lake front) fences, and the District Bylaw was found to contain similar restrictions, therefore no change is recommended. The Development Officer has discretion to determine where rear/front yards begin for the purpose of erecting fences.
  • Approved amalgamation of 410 and 412 Francis Avenue, Anglin Lake; the Bell’s Beach Lagoon Planning Plan, and a variance request for 113 Beaver Place, McPhee Lake.
  • Information regarding the Lakeland Recreation Board’s 2019 Citizens of the Year Margaret & Harvey Boettcher, Division 1 newsletter, expanded walking path area on Southshore Drive, emergency access to Okema Trail, and Anglin Lake Day festivities.
  • Public Hearing was held for discretionary use application of a seacan container by the Navy League of Canada. Following the hearing, the application was approved subject to placement out of sight of the lake.
  • Discussion regarding the public meeting to discuss the proposed Bylaw to establish the residential area of McPhee Lake as an ‘Additional Service Area’ under the Municipalities Act regarding burying the main power lines. First reading was given to Bylaw 10-2019, and Administration will conduct further consultation with ratepayers in this area regarding both the SaskPower and SaskTel options.
  • Approved 11-2019 Building Bylaw, and gave first reading to 12-2019 Fees Bylaw.
  • Correspondence was received from the Sunnyside Co-op playground, Anglin Lake subdivision roads, request to waive a property tax penalty, Provincial Association of Resort Communities of SK newsletter, Water Security Agency regarding channel clearing, Elk Ridge Organized Hamlet Board meeting minutes, Government of Saskatchewan GST Top Up, the 2nd quarter 2019 Prince Albert detachment RCMP report, Emma Lake Aquatic Invasive Species information session, and Waskesiu Fire Smart Demonstration Area tour.

Ratepayer concerns were primarily related to signage, drainage, roads, garbage, signage, wildlife (bears), enforcement of bylaws, ATVs, boats, water quality, and residential parking.

Two specific areas that the District will be addressing over the next few months are related to ongoing issues with garbage collection given the healthy bear population and other wildlife, and vehicle parking situations which may restrict access to emergency vehicles.

Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email  They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and by Council at our monthly meetings.  The next Council meeting is September 9th, 2019 beginning at 9am.