The December 13, 2021 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab.  The Council member contact information is under Council Members.


  • Jim Cross attended the Council Meeting to discuss his concerns regarding Emma Lake water quality. Several different ideas were mentioned. It was recognized that there needs to be short and long term plans put in place and that communication strategies need to be reviewed.
  • Dyan Mouland and Terry and Joanne Ardell attended the Council Meeting to discuss altering their joint property line to correct a few encroachments.

Reports, Discussion and Actions:

  • Public Works provided and update on trees, Beaches, Roads, Transfer Station and Lagoons, and Equipment. Bear proof bin latches have been set to remain open to prevent freezing.
  • Protective Services provided their November report, provincial and inter-agency updates.
  • Kerry Potter was hired as the Development Officer, Welcome to the District Kerry!
  • COUNCIL Meeting DATES have changed for 2022. They will now be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
  • A public hearing was held to receive submissions regarding Bylaw No. 23-2021, a Zoning Bylaw Amendment to allow for notification of property owners within 75m of any major development. There were no submissions received and the bylaw was passed.
  • Building/Development November permit report was received.

Comments or concerns should be submitted through the District office (306.982.2010 or email  They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.