All five council positions and the position for reeve are up for election in 2020, and the nomination period is over.

Reeve: Head of the council and is elected by the entire municipality.

Cheryl Bauer-Hyde
Walter Plessl

Division 1: Includes Rural Christopher Lake, Bell’s Beach, Doran Park, Spruce Point, and Clearsand.

Treena McAlpine
Meagan Cook

Division 2: Includes Aspen Ridge, Birch Bay, McPhail Cove, and Neis Beach.

Cheryl MacMillan – Elected by Acclamation

Division 3: Includes Sunset Bay, Sunnyside, Carwin Park

Doug Oftedal – Re-elected by Acclamation

Division 4: Includes Guise Beach, McIntosh Point, Murray Point, and Okema Beach.

John Stauffer
Mary Sawchuk

Division 5: Includes Anglin Lake, Elk Ridge, McPhee Lake, and Timber Cove.

Jim Rudolph – Re-elected by Acclamation

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll for electors who:

  1. are physically disabled;
  2. have been appointed as election officials; or
  3. anticipate being unable to vote on the day of election.

Voting will take place on Saturday, August 22, 2020, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Christopher Lake Legion Hall, 120 Main Street West, Christopher Lake, SK.

Tammy Knuttila
(Returning Officer)

To vote in a resort village election in Saskatchewan, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen;
  • be at least 18 years of age and one of the following:
    1. have lived in the resort village (or on land now in the resort village) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day;
    2. be the assessed person with respect to property in the resort village (property now situated in the resort village, refer to Section 207 of The Municipalities Act) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day; or
    3. be the spouse of an eligible voter mentioned in a or b.

You can read more about municipal election processes on