Due to the continuing heat and dry conditions, the Great Blue Heron park has closed its ATV trails. Please consider waiting until fire risks are lessened before operating your ATV, and even with a sticker, IT IS ILLEGAL TO OPERATE ON GREAT BLUE HERON TRAILS. Great Blue Heron trails include Poachers Road, Anglin lake area, Murray Point area, and the trails around Highway 953.


All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are fun to drive for many and allow riders to access off-road trails they might not easily reach on foot. With these vehicles often in contact with vegetation, heat and sparks from mufflers and exhausts can pose a fire threat.

Here are some tips for fire smart ATV outings:

  • Ensure your ATV has a spark arrestor (mesh screen inside the muffler) to trap any escaping sparks. An ATV may have had its spark arrestor removed for horsepower gain.
  • Inspect the ATV, in particular the engine and muffler, for build-up of grass and other debris that may dry out and be easily ignited.
  • Carry fire suppression equipment, such as a fire extinguisher or a collapsible pail and shovel to extinguish any fires that might occur.
  • Don’t ride or idle in tall grass and avoid tinder dry areas.
  • Stay informed about fire bans and possible wildfires. Visit the BC Wildfire Service website for up-to-date info.
