The District of Lakeland requesting a Request for Tenders (RFT) from a qualified
business for landscaping work located at 118 Jacobson Drive so as to prevent any surface
water runoff from being directed at or onto adjoining properties so as to cause erosion,
damage, or other adverse conditions. The successful bidder shall complete work
same/similar to the requirements contained within the RFT as recommended by the
contracted Professional Engineer.
Bids must be received by 1:00 pm, Saskatchewan Time by Friday, July 29, 2022.
Your Bid must be submitted in a clearly marked sealed envelope with the company name,
and the RFT number.
Proposals can be hand-delivered to the Administration Office located at 48 – Main Street
West, Christopher Lake during regular office hours, or by mailing your bid to:
District of Lakeland
Box 27
Christopher Lake, SK S0J 0N0
Click here to see the full package.